Get to Know Exec & Professionalism Workshop Meeting Recap

by Riley Mason

On Tuesday, September 3rd, PRSSA held its first meeting of the semester. PRSSA stands for Public Relations Student Society of America. It is a nationally recognized, preprofessional organization focused on preparing students for careers in public relations and related fields. The UGA PRSSA Drewry chapter is the largest chapter in the nation. At the first meeting of the 2024 fall semester, the executive board gave some pre-professionalism tips and answered burning questions.

Professionalism Workshop Tips:

UGA PRSSA 2024-2025 Executive Board

  • Arrive on time for meetings 
  • Actively listen to speakers 
  • Take notes 
  • Dress in a way that represents your personal brand 
  • Engage during the Q&A
  • Be respectful of speakers and each other

Burning Questions: 

What exactly is PR? 

Lydia Coffman, Director of Public Relations, answered by saying that PR is managing how people see and think about an organization. PR is telling a story to make you or your company look good to the whole world. Public Relations professionals can fix situations and protect a company’s image. 

What is the difference between PR and advertising? 

Riley Mason, Director of Content, answered by saying that public relations and advertising are different ways a company can communicate with its audience. Advertising is paid media, where professionals control and design the message that the audience receives. Public Relations is brand awareness without directly paying for it, where professionals enhance and manage a company’s reputation. 

What advice do you give underclassmen? 

Hayden Hollingsworth, Director of Internal Communications, answered by emphasizing to get involved. Apply, show up, and don’t be afraid to ask questions! 

How has social media transformed PR? 

Riley Miller, Director of Social Media, answered by saying that social media is huge in the public relations world today. It is an important skill because social media is becoming the heart of it all. 

What has been your favorite class or professor? 

Mary Elaine Allen, Director of External Communications, said her favorite professor is Tom Cullen. The skills learned in his class applied to the real world and helped her during her summer internships. 

What is something you’re excited to explore in your role this year? 

Sydney Brass, Director of DEI and Outreach, answered that she is excited to expand upon the outreach that the DEI committee completes and works on throughout the year. She is also excited about an upcoming community service donation drive that PRSSA will sponsor. 

What is your favorite PRSSA memory? 

Morgan Lombardi, Director of Member Relations and Finance, said that her favorite memory was the DEI panel last year. She was able to connect with the panelist after the meeting and chat on Zoom. 

What is it like to work at a PR agency? 

Jill Botch, Vice President, answered by saying that working at an agency is fast-paced. She would highly recommend working at an agency early in your career to get your feet wet in PR.