Internship Application Tips
By Merryn Ruthling

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash
When it comes to getting a job, few things are as important as getting internship experience. Internships can help you narrow down a career path, develop a network of professional contacts, learn about the workplace and prepare you for a full-time position. Here are five tips that will help you get your foot in the door when applying for internships:
- Take advantage of the University of Georgia Career Center and the website’s resources. The Career Center is chalk full of resources to help you find and apply for your perfect internship. Be sure to check out the Career Center’s Internship links page and explore the Intern For A Day Program. Registering for the various career fairs and researching employers that will be attending beforehand is also a great way to gain an advantage when securing an internship.
- Internships are not just for the summer anymore. If getting an internship is something you can swing with your class schedule, it is definitely something you should consider. Many internships offer flexible hours and are willing to work with students to fit their schedules. Check Handshake throughout the year to find internships that will work for you.
- Be sure to ask about compensation. Fun fact: 50% of internships are paid positions. While any internship will provide you with valuable experience, when a company pays you for your work as an intern, they are proving that the work you do is valuable to them. They are usually training you for work down the road. Keep this in mind when looking for the right internship for you.
- Be flexible. If you can’t secure the internship of your dreams, don’t worry! Many internships provide you with experience that can be used on resumes and as talking points in interviews. There are ways to market the skills you gain from any internship as attractive to future employers.
- Join PRSSA. PRSSA member meetings put you in contact with professionals across the PR industry and give you the opportunity to develop your peer and professional network. Additionally, PRSSA sends out tailored job and internship opportunities through the membership listserv.