Finals Advice and Happy Holidays from PRSSA!

Look out for this happy holidays reminder in the MLC near Jittery Joe’s!

By Olivia Lamme

You are one week away from wrapping up the Fall 2022 semester. One week away from a long and well-deserved break. One week away from much-needed time with family and loved ones. The only obstacle between you and the pure bliss of winter break is finals.

Finals season is a daunting and stressful time of year filled with multiple exams, long study sessions and way too many cups of coffee. Many students feel that all of their hard work from the past semester is dependent on their exam grades. Though finals are draining and time-consuming, they don’t have to negatively impact your last week on campus. Here are some tips on how to best navigate finals season and cross the finish line to winter break: 

1. Make a Study Plan

Begin your preparation by making a realistic schedule of when and what you need to study for the next week. The key to an effective plan is to put the schedule in writing and make the goals attainable. Designate different blocks of time for different subjects while also allowing time for taking breaks and hanging out with friends. The study plan keeps you accountable and ensures that you study for all of your different finals. Many students have difficulty juggling so many assignments. The plan allows students to feel in control and confident with their busy schedules. 

2. Form Study Groups

Communicate and interact with other students in your classes. Everyone struggles with the pressure of final exams, so work together and make studying a collaborative effort. You can use flashcards to quiz one another or you can discuss confusing topics to try and get some clarity. Working with others and talking about the subject matter will benefit all students involved. It’s very helpful to learn from your peers and work as a team. 

3. Pace Yourself

Remember to take it easy on yourself. Space out your studying and try to avoid cramming material in short amounts of time. Though sometimes cram sessions are unavoidable, do your best to take it slow. Carefully read through your notes and textbooks. Focus on absorbing information rather than skimming and memorizing it.

4. Prioritize Yourself

Though finals feel like the most important part of your life right now, they’re not. Your mental and emotional health is much more important than your performance on exams. Remember to prioritize yourself by taking breaks and being around people who make you happy. Go outside and get fresh air. Watch a movie with your roommates. Call your family. Whatever happiness feels like to you, do it.

5. Relax!

The last and most important piece of advice for finals season is to relax. Your studying and exams will end soon. Until then, just make sure to eat, sleep and do your best. By the end of all this hard work, you will be off to celebrate the holidays and take a long break. 


Hopefully, these tips will make studying for finals feel more achievable and less intense. Take the time to appreciate all the time and effort you have dedicated to school this past semester. Once finals are done, forget about school for a little and enjoy your holidays with your loved ones. You deserve it!