Meet the Executive Board! 

by Francisca Zakowicz Blanco

The PRSSA executive board consists of 9 individuals who are dedicated to serving members first. The Director of Strategic Communication is a newly added position this year. Read below about the executive board’s summer experiences and plans for the upcoming semester. 

President- Katherine Barber

PRSSA 2024-25 Executive Board after first meeting of the semester!

Katherine Barber is a senior PR major minoring in business and pursuing a PAC certificate. Last summer, Barber participated in the ADPR NYC experience and she has been a member of PRSSA since her freshman year. She is excited to plan, lead, and organize all the chapter meetings this year!

Vice president- Jillian Botch

Jillian Botch is a senior PR major who is also minoring in business. Botch also participated in the ADPR NYC experience last summer and she is dedicated to serving as the overseer of all the chapter’s committees this year!

Public Relations Director- Lydia Coffman

Lydia Coffman is a senior public relations and Spanish double major. Coffman spent her summer interning at Cookerly PR and is excited to promote the Dewry chapter this year through flyers and press releases.

Director of Content- Riley Mason

Riley Mason is a junior majoring in advertising and ecology. Mason is interested in all things science communication and spent her summer participating in the Grady summer studio. She will serve the board by planning, editing, and writing our blog articles as well as overseeing the content committee this year. 

Director of Member Relations- Morgan Lombardi

Morgan Lombardi is a senior majoring in PR who is also minoring in communication studies and earning her new media certificate. Lombardi creates and sends weekly newsletters, presides over member recruitment, and oversees the member relations committee. 

Director of Strategic Communication- Hayden Hollingsworth

Hayden Hollingsworth is a senior PR major who is pursuing a minor in fashion merchandising. Hollingsworth took on two different internships last summer and is in charge of helping the chapter communicate messages on all platforms. 

Director of Internal Communications- Mary Elaine Allen

Mary Elaine Allen is a senior PR major who is also minoring in sociology and business. Allen sends updates to the executive board and is responsible for tracking member points. 

Director of Social Media- Riley Miller

Riley Miller is a senior PR major who is minoring in fashion merchandising. Miller studied abroad in London this summer and is responsible for maintaining PRSSA’s online presence. 

Director of DEI & Outreach- Sydney Brass

Sydney Brass is a junior PR major with a minor in Spanish. Last summer she interned at Celebration Church and got a taste of the nonprofit sector of PR. Brass is in charge of integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion in the chapter.