By: Olivia Tompkins

Are you ready to join the largest Public Relations Student Society of America chapter in the world? Good news, you can be a member of the UGA chapter of PRSSA today! The deadline for registration and dues payment for the spring semester is Tuesday, February 27 at 11 p.m.


10 things you are GUARANTEED with a UGA PRSSA membership:

  1. Bi-weekly meetings with a wide range of industry professionals
    1. We host guest speakers at our meetings from Coca Cola, Southern Company, Choice Media, Athens local PR agencies, Sweetwater Brewing Company, Lockheed Martin and many more.
  2. Networking opportunities
    1. Network with professionals from all of the above companies at our meetings, as well as at events throughout the year such as AdPR Connection, PRSA luncheons, PRSSA Real World Conference, agency tours and more.
  3. Agency tours
    1. Travel to Chicago, Silicon Valley, Washington D.C., Atlanta and around Athens to see what agency life is like in each city.
  4. Internship opportunities
    1. Get access to exclusive internship opportunities and countless connections that can help land you your dream internship.
  5. Access to AdPR Connection
    1. AdPR Connection, our annual advertising and public relations ONLY career fair, is free for all PRSSA members. We have over 100 professionals from over 50 companies represented each year!
  6. Leadership experience
    1. Join a committee, help plan AdPR Connection, run for committee lead, or even run for our Executive Board! Build your resume with countless opportunities to grow as a leader.
  7. Resume building opportunities
    1. Whether you choose to run for an elected position, serve on a committee, or simply participate in professional development workshops at our meetings, you are bound to come away with a broader PR skill set and more to talk about in your next job/internship interview.
  8. Meet your peers
    1. Come meet the people you sit next to, and will sit next to in class for the next 2 years! Your classmates now will be your work colleagues in the future. Don’t just focus on networking with professionals, network with your fellow PR students too; The relationships you build now in college are just as important.
  9. Greater involvement on campus
    1. PRSSA is a highly respected organization not only on campus, but also across the nation! Did we mention we are the largest chapter in the world? There’s no such thing as being too involved on campus, and getting involved in extracurriculars outside of class is key to become a well-rounded pre-professional.
  10. You will learn more about what public relations really is
    1. PR has so many different facets. And what even is “public relations” in the first place? How do you apply it? Come to our meetings and you’ll see that it’s a lot more than just press releases, party planning and social media.

So, did we convince you? Become a spring member of PRSSA TODAY!

Email with any questions.